Thursday, September 10, 2009

Terrible Twos

So, right now I'm thinking that I'll end up on the show "Super Nanny", 'cause I've got a toddler out of control...
Lindsey started preschool last week and has now been 4 times. When I pick her up, she looks so happy and I can tell she's had a really good time. The teachers say she's really good too.
But then, right when she gets in the car, it's like she turns into a little monster. I'm thinking that she feels like she's been good at school, so now she needs to get her "act out" fix.
Everything from getting in her car seat, to changing her diaper, washing her hands, being nice to's all a huge struggle. I know parenting is difficult, but come on!!!! throw me a bone!
So tonight, I thought maybe Lindsey needed some one on one time and I wanted to be the one to take her to the zoo for some fun. Well, so much for my grand idea. She wouldn't listen, she didn't want to walk by me, hold my hand, name it. She got into a bouncy house and refused to get out. I climbed in and got her out myself. We should have left then, but we stayed. She minded a little better after that 'cause I sat her down and gave her a talkin' to. :)
she is such a great girl, but her behavior lately toward me and jeff has been very testy...pushing every button imaginable.
well, everyone is in bed now - thank goodness tomorrow is another day. a fresh start. i'll be praying for patience tonight.
jeff and kenzie had a nice evening.


  1. We went to the zoo too! Hang in there! Being a mom is the hardest job in the world!! Lindsey is a sweet little girl! This to shall past!

  2. thanks cindy!
    ella's party was too cute! every little detail was just precious.
    oh, and that salad...yummy!!!!

  3. We go through the same thing almost every day when I pick Abbey up and Jennifer said the same thing about Krya. I think they just need to unwind a bit after being on good behavior for their teacher all day or something? I'm hoping it will get better as the year goes on! Is Lindsey getting up earlier on school days? Maybe she could start taking a little afternoon nap? Abbey hasn't taken naps in forever, but not that she's getting up early for school, she needs them!

  4. it's comforting to know other kids act that way too. parenting IS the hardest job...but the best too!
