Tuesday, June 30, 2009

finding time

so, i really think this blogging is a good idea and i'm hoping to continue, but i wish that there were more hours in the day to do everything i want to get done or that i think should be done. i was talking to my mom the other day about how taking care of the girls is my first priority. i wanna make sure they are happy and having fun and growing up to be nice little girls. but then....there's all this other stuff like cleaning, and laundry, and cooking, and dishes, etc....i can't get all that done every single day. so, i've decided to choose only a couple chores to do everyday. like right now, my kitchen is a disaster!!! so, after i'm done venting here, that's what i'm gonna do. i'm so blessed to have my girls on a pretty good schedule. they both nap between 2-3 hours every afternoon, so you'd think i could get lots of stuff done everyday....:) i guess i just need to be pleased with what actually gets done instead of worrying about what's not getting done - there's no point in worrying or stewing.
today we went to the putt and jump here in town and lindsey had so much fun. our friends the hoys met us up there and lindsey and kayle loved running around together.
july is going to be crazy busy with family events and visitors - it's a good busy. i'm so excited about the 4th - i think the fourth is my favorite holiday. we'll be going to arkansas and staying with my parents for a couple nights. some friends from college will be in town too so hopefully we'll see them....i feel old...it was 10 years ago that we met todd and nicole and now we're in our thirties... We'll probably spend lots of time at the neighborhood pool...mackenzie is starting to splash around in the water and lindsey loves swimming so the pool is a win-win activity for everybody!!! my brother has a boat, but i think lindsey is too young still for the boat.
just scheduled a massage for tomorrow. jeff said he would take off the afternoon. thank you jeff!
so, i guess i should clean up the kitchen now and get a little reading done before the little ones wake up.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

catching up

The summer is flying by.
A couple weeks ago, we went to get Mackenzie's 6-month pictures...I will post at some point. :)
Last week was my birthday and my mom came over. She took Lindsey to the aquarium and they had a great time. Jeff and I were able to have a little birthday lunch at our favorite joint - mexico lindo. mom got me too much stuff for my birthday!!!
And we've been going to the neighborhood pool a lot because that's about the only thing we can do outside without melting in the heat. jeff and i took the girls tonight to the pool and lindsey's little fingers turned into prunes...she kind of freaked out and thought something was wrong. she wanted band-aids for all of her fingers. :)
We're looking for a SUV.
Going to Arkansas for the next two weekends for the 4th and then a family reunion.
i'm off to bed with the new james patterson book.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mackenzie's nursery

Mackenzie is now sleeping in her room...still in the pack-n-play, but I'm hopeful she will transition to her crib soon.

Here are some pics of her nursery. I like the colors and the white furniture. I still need to hang more things on the wall and decorate a bit more.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Good Times

So for the last two days - ever since I picked up Lindsey from the MDO that she's no longer going to - she has been in the best mood ever!!! I don't know what's going on, but I'm enjoying every minute. Lindsey is being luvvy-duvvy and following directions better. She always acts silly and has plenty of fun, but lately, she has been pretty disagreeable and stubborn. Everything I would ask her to do, she would snap, "No!" or have a complete meltdown. So, I've been in mommy heaven the past two days. Life seems easier for her right now and thus easier for me. :) Today at the store, she agreed to sit in the cart instead of whining to get out and run around and she even held my hand a few times instead of wrapping her arms around herself to prevent me from holding her hand. ;)
The four of us just got back from the neighborhood pool. Lindsey tried out her new life jacket and figured out pretty quickly that the jacket keeps her afloat. She was practicing by holding on to the wall and letting go. And when we were swimming around with her she wanted to float by herself...."i do it." She was very proud of herself, and we were too.
Mackenzie might be going through a growth spurt. Each time she nursed or had her bottle, she also ate fruit, rice, or veggies...I thought she was going to spew with all the food she was eating, but she kept it all down. And last night she woke up twice to eat so a growth spurt is all i can think of.
Just church tomorrow. Oh, Mack's curtains and tiebacks came in today. Jeff hung the yellow gingham curtains and we put the dragonfly tiebacks on...so cute!!! now, i've got to finish painting the letters and the nursery will basically be done. i hope she can adjust to her new room. :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Holy Moly Guacamole!

It is only 2pm and this day has been crazzzzzy so far!!! A good crazy....
Ok, so I was going back and forth about Lindsey's summer MDO. She started this Tuesday and did ok, and I was just feeling ok about the situation. She and I both loved her MDO during the school year at the Lutheran church, which set the bar pretty high. Anyway, I dropped her off at 9am and at 9:45 they called me saying that Lindsey hadn't settled in for the day and was crying quite a bit. There was my answer...should I or shouldn't I keep taking her to this MDO...the answer is no and I feel like Lindsey was trying to tell me that this wasn't right. I thought that she and I both needed alone time away from the other, but I think I was wrong. I'm looking forward to the summer with both girls and Lindsey can start up MDO again in the fall. There are so many activities through the MOMS club and we've got lots of plans with family, so there will be plenty to do this summer.
Ok, so, when the MDO called, Mack was sleeping and I had muffins in the oven for the meeting. I ran next door to Wanda to see if she could stay at the house while I picked up Lindsey. Wanda is awesome...she came right over. Then the girls and I went to the meeting - both stayed with me 'cause since I had just picked up lindsey from mdo where she was upset, i didn't want to put her in another child care. they did just fine. :) then after the meeting, the mvp came over to the house to go over the position and all the duties that i'm responsible for. lindsey and jayci played pretty well together, but silly me, got out peaches for Mackenzie to eat and left them unattended.....needless to say...peaches everywhere!!! all over mack, lindsey's hands, my shirt and pants...the floor, etc. :)
I'm thinking that a reality show about stay-at-home-moms would be hilarious...and almost like therapy for SAH moms to see what other moms go through in a day. every mom in the world would be able to identify and know they're not alone. Now I just need to pitch this idea to FOX or NBC. :)
I don't know if LIndsey will go to VBS tonight. I had to bring her home a little early because she would not sit still or listen to her teachers. The first night she did great...???.... Sweet and sour :)

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Time flies...

Yesterday Mackenzie turned 6 months! OMG! Where does the time go?

She had her checkup and got her shots, but she was so happy and smily the whole time we were there. :) Jeff gave her carrots last night for dinner and she gobbled them up!

Lindsey and I went to VBS last night and I was amazed by what a neat program the church put on. There was singing, dancing, snacks and a bunch of arts and crafts, games, playing, etc. Lindsey didn't want to leave. :) We're going again tonight and tomorrow night. Lindsey goes with the preschool class and I'm helping with the arts and crafts.
Mackenzie's nursery is coming along. Jeff almost has the dresser together so maybe we'll move her into her own room this weekend. I found some yellow gingham curtains to hang against the lilac walls. And also I found some dragonfly tiebacks for the curtains and a dragonfly mobile...I can't wait 'til everything gets delivered.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Lindsey has always been, how do you say, oppositional, hard-headed, spirited, but has never thrown a tantrum...until this week. She's not feeling well, so maybe that's it, but for some reason every little thing is frustrating her or she's constantly into things she's not supposed to be. Last night, Jeff went to give her a bath as he often does and she basically broke down and starting screaming/crying that she didn't want a bath. Well, she got a bath because she needed one and because Jeff and I like to think that this is a parent-led household, not a child-run household. She recovered after the bath and slept through the night. This morning she was to attend MDO, but I didn't take her 'cause she seemed like she wanted to be with me and Mackenzie (even though she was an ornery kaput). :) We went to our regular playgroup instead and had a nice time....until it was time to go. I had to pick Lindsey up - kicking and screaming - and took her to the car. It just seems like life is frustrating her right now and I hope this is just a phase or because she's still recovering from her cold. She can be so loving and sweet and in the next instant be a defiant toddler. Sweet and sour. :)
Anyway, both girls are thankfully napping at the same time right now, so I wanted to blog for a bit and hopefully finish the valentine's scrapbook page - it's been sitting for months now...where does the time go?

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

catching up again

Ok, so I thought I was going to have a couple minutes to sit and write...that's what I get for thinking! Lindsey went down for her nap at 1:30, then Mackenzie fell asleep at 2:45, and Lindsey woke up right before 3! What luck! Oh well. I'm trying to get her to play by herself for a few minutes.
So it's been a while since I've written. This past weekend, we all went to OKC for a family reunion. We stayed at a really nice hotel and had fun swimming at the pool. The girls didn't sleep so well, but hey, we weren't exactly expecting to get a great night sleep. Sunday we went to a family reunion for nana crowder's side. It was nice to meet people I've never met and I think everyone enjoyed seeing the girls. Aunt Lynda was there and she scooped up Mackenzie right after she fell asleep, thus, waking her up. She did that when Lindsey was a baby too. I will never let that happen again 'cause Mackenzie got all off schedule and cried for most of the way home in the car. I finally took her out of her carseat and nursed her while we were still driving just to calm her down. breaking the law!!
My mom came to visit on MOnday - YEAH!!! We all love it when my mom comes. We were getting ready for the garage sale this weekend. We've got a bunch of junk that we're going to get rid of one way or another - whatever doesn't sell,we're loading up Jeff's truck and taking it to salvation army.
Lindsey started antibiotics Monday for what the doctor thinks is an infection of some sort due to the duration of her symtoms. She'd had a runny nose and cough for over a week and then Monday she woke up with a fever and thankfully, we got right in to the doctor. Lindsey would not let Dr. Henley look in her ears...she was thrashing around like a fish out of water!!!
Mackenzie has been getting up on her hands and knees for the past couple days and rocking back and forth. She's gonna be 6 months next week. I can't believe she's already doing that. Lindsey was 7 months according to her baby book. Mack is still waking up once a night to eat...sometimes she sleeps all night...but I don't mind getting up once...it was the 2-3 times that was killing me.
So we had a nice couple days with my mom. She loves to help us decorate and gives us good suggestions. She'll be back on Friday with my crazy uncle Larry and aunt Sandy...and then my dad and Jeff's sister and nephew will be coming over too! Wow - we're gonna have a full house!!
Lindsey is bringing me a snack from her kitchen so I can finish up this post. :) I hope she'll be able to go to MDO tomorrow. I hate that she missed the first day, but I certainly didn't want her to spread any germs and she was not up for doing anything but watching tv....so I know she didn't feel well.
I'll write more later...