Friday, October 9, 2009

What a week....

Mackenzie started taking steps and started saying "uh oh." She'll kind of repeat it when we say it or when she drops something. So sweet. She's 10 months today!
Lindsey went to preschool on Tuesday, but that night, she got sick - she threw up 5 times total in 5 hours. The next day all she wanted to do was lay on the couch and watch tv. Thursday I kept her home from preschool so she could get her energy back and she was back to normal by Thursday night. I hated that she was sick. However, for those couple days, she wanted to cuddle and snuggle a liked THAT part. :) We watched lots of movies on the couch and she let me hold her a bunch.
Today Lindsey went to Elite Gym - her favorite place in the world!!! She missed last month for being super naughty at the doctor...i mean, tantrum!!!! So, she had a great time and jumped on every trampoline there. Uh oh... I hear a bedroom door opening....I guess naptime is over.
It's cold and dreary outside, but we've got the fire going and food cooking in the crock pot. Yum!

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