Friday, October 2, 2009


Ok, so Mackenzie had been acting super crabby and pulling at her ears for about a day. all I could think was that she had another ear infection. So, I tried to get an appt to see the doc, but they didn't have an appt until Friday, so I took her to urgent care thursday...because i felt the issue was urgent given her demeanor. About an hour before we went to urgent care, i gave her some tylenol. i was so nervous driving to UC 'cause she was still screaming in the car, but when we got there, all she did was flirt and smile. :) Seriously!!! Mackenzie had done a complete 180 and was babbling and playing peek-a-boo with everyone in the waiting room - guess that little dose of tylenol helped. When we saw the doc, he said her ears looked PERFECT!!! There is NO ear infection. She must just be TEETHING!!! So, my advice, try tylenol first!!!! Oh well, it put my mind at ease to know that she wasn't sick. I took lots of pictures with my phone camera 'cause she was so stinkin' cute and happy while we were waiting! We still need to get a cord for my phone so i can download pictures...

1 comment:

  1. I love the new picture on your blog! And thank God for Tylenol.
