Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Looking Back

Mommy and Daddy getting ready to go to the hospital

Miss Mackenzie only a few minutes old

Later that afternoon, the whole family is together.

I'm hoping that I can figure out how to "slurp" this blog into a book to give to the grandmas for Christmas. Neither knows that I've been doing this, so I hope they like it. My first post wasn't until March '09, so I'm backtracking to get in lots of pictures from Dec 9, 2008 through the end of March. I can't believe Mackenzie will be one in a couple weeks!!!

These pictures are of course from the day Mackenzie was born. I woke up around 4:45am with contractions about 6-7 minutes apart. I laid in bed for a while just to make sure 'this was it'. My mom had pneumonia, but I called her anyway to tell her I was in labor. I felt bad for waking her, but she felt even worse she couldn't be here. Next we called Jeff's mom to tell her we were gonna have a baby and she immediately got in her truck and zoomed to Owasso!!! Nana Crowder was amazing!!! Jeff had been ill, Lindsey needed to be watched, and I was having a baby, so Nana Crowder to the rescue!!! We were all very thankful.
The next phone call was to our awesome neighbors Peggy and Michael around 5:30am. Peggy came over a little before 6 with one of the boys and stayed at the house with Lindsey (who was still sleeping) until Jeff's mom arrived, which I believe was about 8am.
At 8:15am weighing in at 8lbs 15oz, Mackenzie Anne Crowder was born!!!
Delivery was quick - no drugs - but the nurses had to hook me up to an iv for fluids - and that took at least 45 minutes. For some reason, no one could find a vein or get the needle in. 5 nurses tried and then an ER nurse finally got it in, but that was seriously the worst part...and it really wasn't that bad - i just kept turning my head away so i wouldn't faint. :) I started pushing at 7:30 and 45 minutes later Mackenzie arrived - with a lot of red hair!! :) She was so pretty and loved to snuggle right away. We nursed for a few minutes before they took her to the nursery for a couple hours. I stayed in the hospital for two nights (yeah). I needed to rest up before coming home to an almost 2-year-old and newborn. :)

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