Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This is why I wanted to marry your dad...

He's the funniest guy!
Tonight, Lindsey and Jeff were playing "I got your nose." Jeff would pretend to take Lindsey's nose and throw it across the room. She caught on to the game and started to "find" her nose at various places in the house. She then started taking Jeff's nose on and off his face. :) They did this for at least 20 minutes.
Jeff then decided to "hide" his leg. We have an old friend from college who had a crazy uncle named uncle peanut. Well, uncle peanut used to hide his leg by bending it backwards in his pant leg so it looked like he only had half a leg.
Anywho, we were all enjoying daddy's humor and enjoying each other. In the pictures, Jeff is asking Lindsey where his leg went. I'm sure Jeff will bust out the "uncle peanut" another day when the girls will really appreciate it. :)

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