Thursday, June 4, 2009


Lindsey has always been, how do you say, oppositional, hard-headed, spirited, but has never thrown a tantrum...until this week. She's not feeling well, so maybe that's it, but for some reason every little thing is frustrating her or she's constantly into things she's not supposed to be. Last night, Jeff went to give her a bath as he often does and she basically broke down and starting screaming/crying that she didn't want a bath. Well, she got a bath because she needed one and because Jeff and I like to think that this is a parent-led household, not a child-run household. She recovered after the bath and slept through the night. This morning she was to attend MDO, but I didn't take her 'cause she seemed like she wanted to be with me and Mackenzie (even though she was an ornery kaput). :) We went to our regular playgroup instead and had a nice time....until it was time to go. I had to pick Lindsey up - kicking and screaming - and took her to the car. It just seems like life is frustrating her right now and I hope this is just a phase or because she's still recovering from her cold. She can be so loving and sweet and in the next instant be a defiant toddler. Sweet and sour. :)
Anyway, both girls are thankfully napping at the same time right now, so I wanted to blog for a bit and hopefully finish the valentine's scrapbook page - it's been sitting for months now...where does the time go?

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